June 2019

New Releases!

By |2019-06-05T12:21:44+00:00June 5th, 2019|Releases|

  New Releases: The Baltimore & Cleveland Cruisers Astral Technologies is proud to announce the releases of the USS Baltimore & The USS Cleveland. Country of Origin: America USS Baltimore Heavy Cruiser The ship was [...]

May 2019

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018

November 2017

August 2017

February 2017

Release: Ohka Model11

By |2017-02-02T01:53:28+00:00February 2nd, 2017|Releases|

Astral-Tek is happy to announce the release of the Ohka Model11! The Ohka(櫻花 Ōka, "cherry blossom") Model11 is a human-guided kamikaze attack plane. It is unique in regards to functionality in SL. It's deployed by aircraft. Once active, [...]

January 2017

Release: S-18 Submarine

By |2017-01-27T17:00:01+00:00January 27th, 2017|Releases|

Astral-Tek is happy to announce the release of the S-18! The S-18 comes in both LANCE and VICE versions, has 4 torpedo tubes, a deck gun and an anti-aircraft machine gun. It also has 500 HP, dynamic oxygen, carbon dioxide and battery charge mechanics, realistic effects and [...]

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