[WWII Central] Official Opening!


WWII Central will be opening officially this Saturday(28/10/17) with a two day event from Saturday 3AM to Sunday Midnight!

WWII Central is the premiere WWII combat region in Second Life. Based on Operation Market Garden, it features a green, lush rural area with a small Dutch town in the middle of it.

No other region sports access to 40+ sims for air and naval combat with two dedicated sims to ground combat. Not only is there combat on the ground level but there’s also a dedicated RP and combat platform in a winter ardennes style.

It’s simple unmatched in quality, interactivity and much much more!

PS: People doing combat that day and the next will be entered in a raffle. Two lucky winners will get an Astral Tek tank of their choosing! Another two lucky winners will get an Ironsight Armaments 1500 L$ gift card! We’ll also guest tanks during the event so you can try em all out!

NB: Make sure to read up on our rules and whitelist/blacklist!

New to VICE? Get free starter gear:  Uniforms, M1 Garand/Panzerfaust, MG-42/M1911Type-A Submarine, several others.