LANCE is a freight and combat system.
You can earn points with LANCE for free. With those points you can get upgrades for your LANCE ships, paints for your LANCE boats and several products, legacy VICE tanks and VICE SHIPS that are normally sold for 1500 L$ and up! The way points are earned depend on what kind of LANCE ship you use.
The different boat types
The Freighter

The freighter is the primary ship of LANCE. You rez it out in Tulagi, Lordshore, Subak or Darcy’s Harbour, attach your freighter manifest hud and select your cargo destination!
You’ll then have cargo to transport to that location and earn your points. Start your engines and go. Watch out for Submarines! Bring a friend in a Round Table for combat escorting purposes.
The Round Table
Getting attacked by submarines? Make sure you have a friend with you in a Round Table. As pictured on the left, the round table’s only purpose is to escort you. Round tables earn points by staying close to freighters. You rez it out in Tulagi, Lordshore, Subak or Darcy’s Harbour, attach your combat hud, type “lance on” and follow your friends.
More freighters means more points! Be sure to get everyone set to the same team by having them click their boat and set team. Make sure to tune your depth charges to have the right detonation depth to hit the submarines.
The Type-A
The Type-A submarine is the main combat unit. Hauling fuel too boring for you? Attack and destroy freighters to earn points.You rez it out in Tulagi, Lordshore, Subak or Darcy’s Harbour, attach your combat hud, type “lance on” and attack some unsuspecting freighters!
Watch out for those Round Tables with their depth charges.
The S-18
The S-18 submarine is the main combat unit. Hauling fuel too boring for you? Attack and destroy freighters to earn points. It’s one of the ships for LANCE you can buy. You rez it out in Tulagi, Lordshore, Subak or Darcy’s Harbour, attach your combat hud, type “lance on” and attack some unsuspecting freighters!
Watch out for those Round Tables with their depth charges.
The T2 Tanker
The T2 Tanker is the tanker for LANCE. Specialized in carrying large amounts of cargo(and thus points). It’s one of the ships for LANCE you can buy. You rez it out in Tulagi, Lordshore, Subak or Darcy’s Harbour, attach your freighter manifest hud and select your cargo destination.
You’ll then have cargo to transport to that location and earn your points. Start your engines and go. Watch out for Submarines! Bring a friend in a Round Table for combat escorting purposes.
So where do I get all this stuff?
You can find all the free ships and huds you need at the Tulagi Quartermaster Store.
For more information, there’s an in-depth guide here.
And remember,
Speak softly and carry a big stick!