so with that last post being full of the stupidity that people insist on bringing into our lives im going to post about something more fun
we set out in a few vehicles to see what we could find
the things we found were somewhere between fun and borderline depressing like exploring a long dead civilization
a sea of dead breedables. its hard to say whats more scary. the fact they’re all dead our that someone dumped huge amounts of money into them
we also found what we can only assume are bases on abandoned land. amazing 10/10
and we cant forget the car wash that cost’s one single L$.
Jugeot is a strange, strange place. Either land posted as abandoned isn’t or someone has a set of griefing tools that let them build on “blocked” land. As for the car wash, who doesn’t like a nice shiny tank? The spray wax really makes the camo look good.
As for the dead breedables, the maker should be contacted since this represents lost income (breedables not breeding and “bundles” not being sold). Most likely this is the result of some idiot who thought they would make a lot of Lindens and then discovered the ugly truth: the only people who make lots of Lindens are Linden Labs.
Another thought about supposedly occupied “abandoned” land… several real estate groups stick buildings on their offerings to entice buyers into renting or buying the plot. Sadly, the taste of some of these “show-offs” tends to be less than appetizing. At least one of these idiot rental groups sets up “show off” structures and then blocks access to them. You can look but you can’t touch (usually because the lot behind the possible rental looks like a sick cow’s dump or worse.
Who needs the Twilight Zone when you can go touring in Jugeot?