a nearby parcel has become a flight hazard. ejecting anyone within one second of entry. with signs about a “no fly zone”
*edited with new information*
originally i chalked it up to hypocrisy. how could i not think it was a protest to aviation. but it seems the orb is due to griefer attacks. it would be helpful in the future to let others in the gulf know about griefers. just remember you are not alone in this we all live here
if i came off the wrong way i do apologize
Since your issues are about Saddlemead and not Jeogeot Gulf.. I dont understand what your problem is?! Fly all you want in Jeogeot Gulf.. if you wish to fly into Saddlemead you can pay rent like the residents do from the land owner!
Of course you can do what you want with your land, but needlessly (and it is needless) setting a sim to eject anyone flying through is sort of a jerk move, especially right next to an airfield.
You can do what you want in your place, but don’t pretend to live in a cave without nothing around. You are amid air routes, with 2 flyable sea regions next to you and an airfield just north of Saddlemead. An aircraft coming from the south and flying over it by mistake (it happens) won’t even have the time to leave. Besides being totally unwelcoming and unfriendly, and a problem for your neighbours, unlike an heart would suggest, you ended up with vehicles crashed there as you kicked the pilots. It’s not good even for yourself. Unless you are masochist and antisocial, I don’t see what your difficult is in simply setting the eject time to 30 seconds, so that people have time to leave. If you wish to live in your own bubble, you can rent an island region like other residents do.
simply just pointing it out. it is their land and we have no say. while they are more than welcome to visit our sims anytime. its just a bit.. well what you said needless
A 1 second warning time seems pretty abusive to me.
I avoid spaces marked on the map with that Red Heart symbol. There are a few exceptions, a few known channels and things such as bits of Linden Road, but they’re just not worth taking a chance.with. There are other obvious sets of rental sims, with some form of stacked skybox structure, and as far as I can see they could as easily be rearranged into their own continents. They’re apparently not interested in the social contact that is commonplace in SL.
I am sorry you all can not understand the reasoning for this 1 second security orb. So let me help you understand. The reason why we now have a 1 second security orb set by our landlord was due to the constant griefing caused by some other players. Not you guys but we had issues with some Fred guy dropping these nuclear bomb objects at the corner of our property causing us to get kicked offline. We have never seen this guy or interacted with him before so my guess is he has something against Mysticalrentals or just purely has fun ruining the game for others. For weeks I surrounded out property with large NO FLY ZONE signs for the purpose of letting you all know not to enter because of our newly 1 second security orb. So this was an act of kindness on my part as a warning so no one enters and gets booted out of their plane (so annoying). As you seen on my beach I have planes myself and love to fly them. 2 days ago I removed the huge 64×64 no fly signs just because lets be honest… they are an eye sore. So I am sorry if you guys have an issue with this high security zone but there is a reason for it. If you need more examples of random griefing traffic that crosses our property on a daily basis I have plenty of stories to tell. Its sad we have had to resort to this but there hasn’t been a better solution to fix these problems. So I am sorry guys if you have got the boot from Saddlemead but it wasn’t out of spite or against any of you guys out there flying and sailing. Like I said, I love to fly too and sail around. Hope you can understand why the tight security a little better. Happy Flying and Boating.
And as someone else mentioned… I too avoid the Red Hearts because I know they are residential rentals and are all equipped with security orbs. Though some may not be turned on or have a 30 second warning, I just avoid all together when out flying instead of taking a chance. Honestly I hate ban lines worse than security orbs, nothing like your plane stuck in a ban line lol
thanks for clearing things up. its never easy to deal with grief. i hope the images i posted were not upsetting any
Not at all